"Visions" interview & review
The Jazz Australia website have just published an interview I did about Visions. Read the interview here (scroll down). Following is the text of a review of the CD by Michael Foster just published in the Canberra Times:
NAMED for the Stevie Wonder Tune that opens it, Visions offers achingly tender interpretations of eight tunes of the 1960s and ‘70s. It was a time for wonderful lyrics. Isaacs’ decision to leave them to the listener’s imagination and recall was brave, but admirable.
Most listeners who lived then will have their own memories, likely to be precious, made more so given this time to polish the dreams.
Those who are blessedly young will be privileged to discover for themselves the beauty of a time when songs were crafted rather than flung at the audience, here presented on a cushion of dreams by three musicians in seamless accord, two of whom are so young as to be exploring, rewardingly, for themselves.